Lucky Jump Pearl
Subversion of tradition, pure skills, high-earning lottery machine!
Features & Advantages
1. Subversion of tradition, combination ofjump and push ball, pure skills, transparent and visible game process, highgame reliability, strong stickiness for players, creating a high-earninglottery machine;
2. Multiple rewards and tickets out while playing,bring players a consistently surprising experience;
3. The more the small balls you shoot, theeasier it is for the big ball to drop and get points;
4. Innovative game, independently researchand development, own some patent certificates.

How to play ?
1. Insert coins to get balls;
2. Watching the moment and then press “start”button to shooting balls, try to make balls into the lucky ring to start the luckyturntable to get tickets or more balls as a reward; If not into the lucky ring,the small balls will push the big balls to get another scores;
3. The more small balls fall on the plate,the easier it is to push the big ball down to get high scores.